"The really good physician prevents disease, he cannot cure anything. Because of a lack of this knowledge, sickness has become more natural, or more to be expected, than health."
-J.H. Tilden, M.D.

The Adjustment

Chiropractic is about helping the Nervous System function at its optimum efficiency. When your nervous system is functioning at its' peak your head is clear, your emotions and actions are balanced and appropriate, and you are generally free from aches and pains. Chiropractic helps achieve that by adjusting the bones of the spine. You could think of the bones of the spine as the body's Health Reset Buttons. It is just like a computer; computers are designed to be like the Brain. When your computer gets 'locked up' you hit the reset button to start it up again; the same goes for your nervous system! There are literally hundreds of different methods that chiropractors use to adjust the spine. Every person is different in what their spines will respond best to. One cannot hope to learn and master them all. Dr. Jason Zablotney graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic having learned a very wide range of spinal adjusting techniques. He uses primarily two different methods for his exam and adjusting techniques for every patient. As he puts it, "visiting my office is like seeing two different chiropractors at the same time!"
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Dr. Zablotney uses the Blair Upper Cervical Specific (BUCS) x-ray analysis and neck adjusting procedures. The BUCS x-ray analysis allows him to see the actual joints of the neck and he can see, on film, even millimeters of joint misalignment. Most x-rays obscure the joints but the Blair x-rays give a crisp 3 dimensional picture of the cervical spine. Dr. Zablotney then measures the angles of the joints on the x-ray, which tells him exactly where he needs to stand, place his arms and hands, and which direction to adjust the bones so he can use only as much force as is needed to move the subluxated (misaligned) segments. Everybody's spine is different, asymmetry is the norm. The Blair procedure allows Dr. Zablotney to craft an adjustment that is specific to each person's unique anatomy, so no two people will get the exact same adjustment!

Dr. Zablotney also uses Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT for short). The primary focus SOT is to balance the pelvis and keep its stable, because your pelvis is what holds the rest of you up against gravity when you sit or stand. If your pelvis is knocked loose or even locked up too tight it can affect the function of your entire spine and nervous system, all the way up to the base of your skull, the occiput. Dr. Zablotney is able to monitor the strength of the pelvic stabilizing ligaments to determine if the pelvis needs adjusted. The SOT pelvic adjustment involves lying down on a pair of wedge-shaped padded blocks that are used to prop up the pelvis to allow gravity to make the needed correction. There are also protocols to balance the reciprocal, oscillatory, rhythmic motion of the sacrum, part of the pelvis, and the occiput, the base of the skull. Restoring this motion may take the pressure off of other parts of the spine and has even been known to dramatically affect internal organ functions. In addition to the 'Palmer Package' and the above Blair and SOT techniques that Dr. Zablotney learned, he took various elective courses and seminars to learn as much as possibly could while in school. Doctor Zablotney is confident that no matter what your problems, or the nature of your spinal subluxation(s), he has the technique for you.